Revlon Ultra HD Lipstick in Rose

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These lipsticks first attracted my attention when I was looking for the description of makeup products used on Emma Stone for the Golden Globes this year. The lipsticks weren't sold then yet, but I kept the name of these in the back of my mind (her shade was called Iris). Ultra HD is a line of lipsticks without wax and with intense pigments, which means that they are incredibly light, soft and moisturising. Being wax-free could present itself as a problem if you tend to forget your lipsticks in a hot car, also I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be with a darker, brighter shade as things could get smudgy, however, in case of a light shade such as Rose that creaminess is a very good thing. Oh, and did I mention these are all named after flowers which is so cute. My favourite flower is gladiolus, so I might get that shade one day just for the sake of the name.

Colour: Rose is a light, neutral-warm pink that gives enough colour to my pale lips, but it's very everyday appropriate and I'm sure it will also appeal to the most lipstick shy people. The pigmentation is nice, especially considering we are dealing with such a moisturising and soft lipstick. I've tried a few shades in the shop and they have great pigmentation, so these are far from glorified tinted lip balms. These are like Lip Butters 2.0 with added pigment and minus wax.

Texture and finish: If you thought lip butters were soft, you'll be surprised by these. They are softer than room temperature butter and that makes them super comfortable on the lips. It's almost like Catrice's Lip Smoothers, but not as cushiony and lighter. They are soft and hydrating, which makes is a nice choice to wear instead of a lip balm, but due to the lightness, the lightest shade can emphasize dry patches, well, at least when looking up close. The lightness of these reminds me of YSL Rouge Volupte, but this is a better formula compared to those. The finish is between glossy and creamy.

Staying power: As I said it's a very soft, moisturizing lipstick, so staying power isn't all that impressive, but to be fair I've never encountered a lipstick that would merge excellent moisturising properties with brilliant staying power, as the latter is a domain of matte formulas. It manages to stay on a few hours, but the creamy shine goes away quickly. Regardless of that it never feels drying on the lips.

Scent: It smells so good. Every Slovene reader will know what it smells of - it's our good old Planica ice cream, which is just a mix of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry flavours. It is spot on and even the taste is sweet, so it's definitely a lippie for those with a sweet tooth.

Packaging: a simple square plastic tube, with a clear lid, which helps quickly to determine which shade you're picking. Due to the very soft texture, you have to open the lid very carefully until you've used up some lipstick because if you're not careful, it will smudge everywhere.

Price and availability: Mine is from Click2Chic for 10.89 €, but they are available in drugstores already.

These are essentially a more pigmented upgrade to the universally loved lip butters. It combines the features of the lip balm and a pigmented lip colour, but I'm really interested in how the darker shades perform, nonetheless I really like the performance of this shade. This will definitely appeal to all of those who suffer from perpetually dry lips or want a lovely moisturising lipstick. 

Čeprav so te šminke nove na trgu, so meni poznane že kar dolgo. Namreč mojo pozornost so pritegnile, ko sem brala opis uporabljenih izdelkov pri ličenju Emme Stone za Golden Globes 2015. Takrat šminke še niso bile v prodaji, tudi v ZDA ne, ampak sem si zapomnila ime odtenka Iris, da si ga moram enkrat pobližje pogledati. Na koncu sem pristala pri odtenku Rose, ki je eden izmed najsvetlejših odtenkov. Ultra HD so brez voska in vsebujejo intenzivne pigmente, kar pomeni, da gre za zelo mehke in vlažilne šminke, ki pa so zelo pigmentirane in ne le precenjeni obarvani balzami za ustnice. To da so tako mehke se sicer lahko izkaže tudi kot problem, sploh če imate navado pozabljati šminke v vročem avtu, pa tudi pri temnejših in bolj živih odtenkih obstaja nevarnost, da se bodo razmazale, ampak pri tako svetlem odtenku kot je Rose, je ta intenzivna kremnost dobra stvar. Šminke so poimenovane po rožah, kar mi je zelo prikupno. Moje najljubše rože so gladiole, tako da bom morda en dan vzela ta odtenek že zaradi imena.

Rose je svetla nevtralno-topla roza, ki mojim bledim ustnicam doda dovolj barve (je kakšen odtenek ali dva temnejša od moje naravne barve) in je odličen odtenek za vsak dan tudi za tiste, ki jih je strah nositi šminke in žive barve. Odtenek je praktično polno prekriven, kar je glede na teksturo presenetljivo, saj so take šminke ponavadi kar prosojne. Predstavljajte si jo kot Lip Butter 2.0 pri čemer so približno obdržali teksturo, dodali pa barvo in odstranili vosek.

Če se mislili, da so njihovi Lip Butterji mehki, vas bodo te šminke presenetile. Meni se zdi še mehkejše, saj nimajo tistega voskastega občutka in ravno zaradi te skoraj topljive formule so zelo prijetne za nošenje, še bolj kot večina balzamov za ustnice, ki so ponavadi kar voskasti. Ampak ta lahka formula, še posebej pri svetlih odtenkih lahko poudari kakšne luskice na ustnicah, pravzaprav me spominja na YSL-jeve Rouge Volupte, ampak so te boljše. Šminka na ustnicah izgleda kremno bleščeče. 

Ker je formula zelo mehka in je na ustnicah že skoraj kot kakšno zelo kremno bleščilo. Obstojnost ni ravno najboljša, v primeru mojega odtenka pa sploh ker je tako svetel, vseeno se ji uspe obdržati približno tri, mogoče celo štiri ure, ampak z precej zmanjšano intenziteto barve. Sicer pa šminke, ki bi bila zelo kremna in vlažilna, poleg tega pa še dolgo obstojna, na žalost še nisem našla.

Šminka ima kar močen, ampak res prekrasen vonj in sicer po našem dobrem starem sladoledu Planica. Vonj je praktično identičen in še šminka ima sladek okus, tako da je res tole formula za sladokusce.

Embalaža je preprosta kvadratna tuba s prosojnim pokrovčkom, kar pride zelo prav ko iščeš pravi odtenek. Ker je šminka tako kremna in mehka, moram biti zelo previdna kako jo odpiram, ker če se dotakne česarkoli se razmaže povsod.

Če ste ljubiteljice zelo kremnih in vlažilnih šmink, medtem ko vam obstojnost ni najpomembnejša stvar, so te zagotovo za vas. Iz mojih izkušenj s takimi šminkami, bi se bolj držala svetlejših odtenkov, ampak bi morala preizkusiti kakšen bolj živ odtenek, da bi lahko z zagotovostjo rekla, če se preveč razmazujejo ali ne. Tale odtenek je meni krasen.

Ultra HD šminke so na voljo na Click2Chic za 10,89 €. Ostale odtenke lahko najdete tukaj.

Have a great day!

*The lipstick was given to me.